18 Good Habits to Start in Your Twenties

18 Good Habits to Start in Your Twenties

A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur subconsciously. So It is important to add good habits in your daily routine to be more productive and organized.

Your twenties is the prime time to learn new habits that will set you up for a successful life. You have the time and the youth to develop these habits that will better your life. 

Here I have mentioned some good habits to start from now. 

  1. Plan your meal for the week 

Planning your meals for the week can help you to manage your time better. 

It helps to 

  • Save money
  • Lose weight
  • Eat healthy
  • Learn portion control
Plan a diet
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  1. Fill out a gratitude list every night

It is the most effective habit for self reflection.

  1. Drink plenty of water daily

We often forget to drink water, that’s why our body gets dehydrated. Set a reminder, drink water at least 2-3 litre in a day. 

  1. Have a morning and night routine

Create a morning and night routine before you sleep, it helps to be more productive.

Good habits
  1. Meditate daily

Daily meditation can help you to perform better at work. It helps to increase your focus and attention and improves your ability to multitask.

  1. Clean your room

Cleaning the room every week or every 2 days after helps to sweep away your stress.

  1. Get rid of clutter

Getting rid of clutter helps you to focus on what matters. It also helps you to be organised. 

  1. Don’t use screens before bed

Studies show that heavy use of screen media before bed can shorten sleep duration and lengthen sleep latency.

  1. Read a book every month

Reading habits helps to accelerate your personal development with simple challenges.

Others are 

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day
  2. Stop negative self-talk
  3. Tell others how you truly feel
  4.  Use a planner
  5.  Go outside daily
  6.  Maintain a hobby
  7.  Practice belly breathing
  8.  Make a to-do list daily
  9.  Be active for 30 min everyday

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