How To Start Learning Korean
Start by learning to read Hangul It is the name of the Korean alphabet. It will be the easiest part of your learning journey.
Difference between Introversion & Shyness
Introversion is a basic personality style characterized by a focus on the inner feelings. Shyness is the discomfort of social interactions.
How To Overcome Highly Emotional Sensitivity
Highly sensitive people tend to get their feelings hurt easily. Learn how to overcome emotional sensitivity.
How To Deal With Toxic People
Whenever you interact with Toxic people, you would feel empty, down and frustrated.
How to Reduce Morning Anxiety
Do you feel a bit anxious in the morning? If you do, you’re not alone. Many people experience this.
How To Enjoy Being Alone
We live in a world where we are always around either at work, in the store , and on our phones through social media.
Signs of Toxic People
toxic person is anyone whose behaviour adds negativity and upset to your life. 1.Inconsistent 2. Dramatic 3. Manipulative
How To Stay Happy At Home
Our house is not just our home, but a piece of who we are. It affects our productivity, and influences our outlook on life.
8 Things Introverts Love
1. Deep conversations 2. Journaling 3. Spending time alone 4. Solo activity 5. Quiet place 6. Learning new things
Some Tips for Learning Foreign Languages
1.What vocabulary should I be learning? 2. How should I record the vocabulary? 3. How should I practice?