7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness in a Busy life
Mental health

7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness in a Busy life

Being mindful means being present, being conscious of life when it happens. But when your life is super busy, it is impossible to practice mindfulness. That’s why in this blog, I have some ways to practice mindfulness in a busy life. So you can practice mindfulness at any moment of the day, and see how it changes the quality of your experience. 

1. Start your day with a pause

When you get up from your bed. Take a pause and inhale deep three breaths. Start your bad mindfully. 

2. Eating 

Practice Mindfulness

Remind yourself to come back to the moment each time you eat is a great way to insert mindfulness into your day. Eat mindfully. Foods can choke our throats in a rush. Take each bite slowly, and enjoy your food. In fact, enjoying food can enlighten your mood. 

3. Walking

Exercise is one of the best ways to practice mindfulness. But in our busy life doing exercise is a little bit challenging. But instead of exercising you can walk mindfully. While you are going to your workplace, walk instead of t

4. Listening

Good music is a good help to practice mindfulness. Music feeds the soul by taking you away from the stress of the day and worries about the future, and makes you focus on the “now”. There is nothing that cures the soul and brightens the mood like good music. Put your earphones on and reach your mindfulness with your favourite song.

5. Do one thing at a time

Don’t be a multitasker. Do single work at a time. If you will do multiple tasks at the time. You can be frustrated and exhausted. In short, you can not enjoy your present properly. 

6. Slow down before you sleep

As your sleep time comes near, reduce your working tempo. Before going to sleep, it’s best that you take things easy and cool your body from the exhaustion of the day. As you reduce your business level, you will become more mindful and feel better before going to sleep.

7. Live slowly

Enjoy every moment. Don’t do things in a hurry. Give it enough time and feel your moments fully. Take  a breath deep in your lungs, Look at the shining sun and take a good picture of yourself wherever you are. Feel the blessing of being alive and focus on the moment. By doing so, you can achieve mindfulness. 

Stop worrying about the future – focus on the present. 

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