How To Overcome Highly Emotional Sensitivity

How To Overcome Highly Emotional Sensitivity

Emotions are normal. Being sensitive is good as it’s part of emotional intelligence. Some of us are naturally more sensitive than others. Highly sensitive people tend to get their feelings hurt easily. Their fear of failure may make them less likely to take risks. If you’re a highly sensitive person, Learn how to overcome highly emotional sensitivity.

Be aware of your emotions

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, sit back and take a deep breath. Recognize the emotion you’re experiencing and observe how it’s affecting you physically and mentally. The more you observe your emotions, the more connected you are with what you’re feeling. Understanding your own emotions can help to control emotional sensitivity. 

Keep your attention in the present

Instead of thinking about what happened to you in your past, focus on what’s happening around you now. Be present, put all of your focus on the sights, smells and feelings that are right in front of you. 

Think before you react

If you are a sensitive person you may react before you think.In this situation you should avoid responding impulsively. 

Whenever any such triggering situation arises, do not be defensive rather take a step back. Do understand what exactly the situation is, then think about what you should say or react.

How to overcome highly emotional sensitivity
Photo by Sofia Alejandra from Pexels

Be patient

Take control of your emotions. Patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances. Patience helps to overcome difficult times when we are going through it. Trying to be patient is difficult at first but if you practice, you will learn to manage your feelings more effectively.As you mature, you will learn to manage your feelings more effectively,

Daily journaling

Do journal about everything you’re feeling. By daily journaling you can explore the map of your actions and reactions, and you’ll have a better understanding of your sensitivities and how to manage them.

Allow yourself to feel your emotions in limit 

Moving away from emotional oversensitivity doesn’t mean that you should stop feeling your emotions altogether. In fact, trying to repress or deny your emotions can cause harm.Every unpleasant emotions should be in limit. Don’t overthink,Don’t over angry etc. do practice,  you can easily overcome it. It’s important to be able to label these emotions so that you can figure out how to move forward with them.

Avoid toxic people

You know how toxic people treat you. stop tolerating unhealthy behaviour from them. As you you’re highly emotional sensitive person, avoid them to overcome highly emotional sensitivity. 

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