How to be more productive

How to be more Productive

How to be more Productive ??????

Productivity is the efficiency of production of goods. Everyone knows how valuable time is, and nobody likes to waste their day, Particularly when you have a lot of things to do. The key is to be effective when completing tasks, and in case you’re feeling stuck, you may require some new tricks to improve your efficiency , without having to change around your whole schedule. Don’t waste your time, cause it’s time for you to get more productive.

Create a to do list with limits :

Write down all of your tasks, as well as everything you would like to complete in a day. It helps to be more productive.

Benefits of to-do lists:

1. It helps to make better management
2. It helps to go easy on yourself

Set small goals for the tasks.

Focus on one goal at a time :

If you have too many tasks , do those tasks linearly. Do not overlap the task with another one. Overlapping the tasks, make you exhausted and frustrated. It’s better to focus on one goal at a time.

Eliminate distractions :

Distractions are really toxic while you’re working.

Suppose when you’re studying , turn off notifications & try not to use Social media.

Eliminate distractions to be more distractions

It helps to

  • Remove bad habits
  • Declutter your mind

Set a timer :

Give yourself a shorter time frame to finish your work. Set a timer for 25 minutes for small tasks and for 45 minutes for deep tasks. This is like giving yourself an artificial deadline, but backed up with something that holds you accountable.

Take a break :

Even if you love your job, you can’t work nonstop. Taking a break not even 5 minutes but taking a break every now and then can really refocus and motivate you.

Get enough sleep :

If you can’t sleep properly, it affects work performance. Without good sleep, you can’t overcome your unproductivity.

Proper sleep is important for your health and your daily life.

Don’t overload your plans :

Work loads make your work harder instead of easier.

Tips :

  • Do things you love
  • Decorate or sketch in your notes art
  • Try to do things you like in a group project

Have some fun! Don’t forget to love yourself 🙂

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