7 Signs of Introverts

7 Signs of Introverts

Most basic definition of an introvert is a person who gains energy from being alone and loses energy in social situations with other people. When you hear the word introvert, you might think of someone who’s shy or quiet and prefers to be alone, which is untrue. In fact, introverted people tend to simply find that they get more energy from being alone or in very small groups, as opposed to extroverts who find that large groups give them more energy.  Because of this misconception about shyness, many people assume that they aren’t introverts when they actually are. In this blog, I have shared 7 signs of introverts so that you can recognize, you are an introvert or extrovert. 

Tired from too much active time :

You get tired from too much active time  after spending time with other people for too long. You start to shut down by feeling tired and exhausted and that is probably your way of maintaining your energy because it’s getting low.

Enjoy time alone :

You like spending quality time alone to recharge yourself. You have to spend time alone by watching web series, journaling, reading books or novels etc.

Love to write :

You love to write. Introverts often express themselves best in written words. You are the most creative and best when you get to be completely along with your own thoughts. 

Signs of Introverts

Small friend circle :

You are happy to have few but real and close friends because you know quality is more important than quantity.

Others think you are shy/lonely :

Other people think you are shy and lonely. But being quiet is not being shy and staying alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely.

Observer :

You are a great observer. You can get easily distracted. You are good at seeing details that other people may not even notice.

Constant inner monologue :

Instead of just saying what is on your mind out loud before you even thought it through you think a lot before you speak. Every second that you are not having conversation with another person or not busy with a task you have a voice inside your head that is always thinking.

So these are some signs of introverts . Can you relate to any of these signs? I hope so. 

Don’t forget to love yourself. Happy reading 🙂

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